I am a night owl.  I don’t really kick in till about 11:00 at night and routinely run till 3-4 a.m.   Last night, I had some time on my hands so I sat down to try and work out and prototype  a better lighting solution in my 3d levels.

In Catacombs of Doom episode #,1 I wanted to use torches to light he dungeon levels,  that spooky flickering light that we have all grown to know and love in a fantasy setting but since it was developed for gearvr with an S7, it was constrained by performance to NOT use particle effects at all.  So… no flaming torch effects with sparks and sputtering smoke…

instead, I came up with a more of a “glow crystal” type  of torch….   and I never really liked it, but it worked, coming in about about 400 verts and 60 tris, it was a low cost way to simulate a torch..







In my effort to get as realistic as possible in VR, I have come up with a new lighting fixture for Episode #2 the Golem King.  This is a fire brazier, mounted on the wall.   It clocks in at 410 verts and 65 tris (still a tad high in vert count, but I think I can pair that down in blender)  and I think it “looks” a tad more realistic int he architecture.