
The Skeleton Army of Ozmot

The Skeleton Army of Ozmot Tweaking the colour layout in Unity to give the Skeletons a little more menace.

The Skeleton Army of Ozmot: Firedrake VR

The Necro-Priest of Ozmot have been abducting local villagers and harvesting their skeletons for building out their undead army!

Firedrake VR Monster

The Molagg attack in Firedrake VR

The Molagg attack in Firedrake VR.   A sword and sorcery fantasy adventure for the GearVR

Run the Dungeons in Firedrake VR

Since Firedrake VR is designed for mobile VR, the game geometry is scaled down, so I have to use lighting to really add some atmosphere. Still not bad I think, as I didn't even know Unity a mere three months ago.

Firedrake VR Monster

Monsters are working in Firedrake VR


Tower Of Ozmot Level Oculus Rift Test

Testing the Tower of Ozmot:   Sky Maze level of Firedrake VR on the Oculus SDK.    First time on testing the SDK in Unity .  Firedrake VR is being developed...

Google Daydream Build for Firedrake VR

Working with the Daydream SDK and checking the level design with  he Daydream VR  optics enabled in Unity.     Having issues with the controller code as Firedrake was originally designed with...

New Screen Shots for Firedrake VR

Running through some outdoor Firedrake VR game environments in the Unity editor.

Arrow Of Seeking

Can you steal the Arrow  Of  Seeking from the Warrior Priests of Osmot, travel across the lands and take the  one shot against the dragon?  

New Firedrake Concept Art

Concept art for Firedrake.  The Lizard men of Ibex.   These monsters always live near water and have rudimentary knowledge.  They gather in primitive tibial units and have a taste for...