The Molagg attack in Firedrake VR
The Molagg attack in Firedrake VR. A sword and sorcery fantasy adventure for the GearVR
The Molagg attack in Firedrake VR. A sword and sorcery fantasy adventure for the GearVR
Since Firedrake VR is designed for mobile VR, the game geometry is scaled down, so I have to use lighting to really add some atmosphere. Still not bad I think, as I didn't even know Unity a mere three months ago.
The Firedrake website is now officially up and running. This “front End” will allow a more community based experience for Firedrake fans and allow for contests, news announcements on game...
Concept art for Firedrake. The Lizard men of Ibex. These monsters always live near water and have rudimentary knowledge. They gather in primitive tibial units and have a taste for...